Leader Content (6)
Executive Summary ~ Building Successful Teams
A new era of global competition is forcing organizations to consider new styles of leadership that effectively navigate diverse employee populations through accelerated change. For this reason, in 2012, LeaderBoom Inc. began gathering key insights into the systemic challenges facing multi-national corporations, and effective leadership approaches for building high performing global teams.
Our outreach involved a combination of in-person and telephone interviews as well as communication over Skype and by email. We connected with 50 global thought leaders from seventeen countries and asked them open-ended questions that touched on the most critical leadership areas, ranging from organizational structure to leadership styles to leadership training strategies.
Diverse Range of Roles |
Diverse Range of Industries |
Research Revealed:
- There are multiple leadership challenges facing global corporations
- Organizations have a very specific role play if they want to consistently develop emerging leaders
- There is a clear ROI in building leadership capability to align diverse teams
- Required attributes of 21st Century Leaders
Building a corporate culture of self-aware leaders and intrapreneurial thinking is a viable solution but it requires organizations to be willing to recognize good ideas and to empower their teams by providing the trust, resources and freedom within a framework required to be successful. As a result, to thrive as a leader in the 21st Century, organizations must adapt to the new reality. In the process they are faced with six major challenges. Organizations and their leaders must consider:
- Encouraging workplace innovation and workforce inspiration to drive value and sustainable competitive advantage
- Establishing internal values and goals that are widely shared and replace traditional command and control management systems.
- Promoting organizational alignment and transparency; mission, values, culture, systems
- Encouraging group intelligence, collaboration and creativity, versus star cult leadership around single individuals
- Improving social and emotional intelligence skills (self-awareness, listening, communication, collaboration) considered to be the new currency for today's workforce
To learn more insights from our global survey, please visit our summary 6 Global Research Insights: Building Successful Teams at:
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LeaderBoom has developed a wide range of training solutions, with input from our advisory team. The diverse learning methodologies allow participants to directly experience and adjust to diverse communication patterns, recognize common intercultural and intergenerational barriers to creating high performing teams, accelerate self-awareness and improve agility in dealing with change.
The compelling bottom line is, today’s workforce is more diverse than ever before- spanning across borders and multiple generations. To operate a sustainable business in the 21st Century, requires foresight. Retaining and developing emerging leaders, capable of leading global teams, has become a key competitive advantage.
The dominating trends in the Leadership and Management Training and Development Industry are influenced by two factors:
- The immediate globalization and interconnectivity of businesses through the internet
- The increasing volatility of employment due to the growing pool of multi-cultural and multi-generational qualified candidates that have emerged as a result of globalization
The challenge exists in the pressure for global companies to balance the demands from its market and employees that simultaneouly span a multitude of cultures and generations in a way that is in line with company goals. The opportunity exists in achieving effective management of the business by understanding the learning, values and communication styles of the different cultures and workforce generations.
LeaderBoom has two primary segments in their target market:
- Companies that are committed to investing in cultivating strong global leaders to ensure success
- Emerging Leaders who are making a personal investment in continuous learning to build their global competency.
LeaderBoom addresses the demands of both segments by offering customized leadership development and training options to core leadership principles in a variety of presentation media that incorporates traditional learning styles with interactive, real-life simulations to accommodate the varying learning styles in the market.
Building 21st Century leadership qualities means acknowledging that leadership still means showing people the way. However, it also means creating pathways that will allow others in the business to lead. True 21st Century leaders know that leadership attitudes and behaviours determine the context in which others will act. This is what LeaderBoom emulates in its Global Training and Development Program: the ability to accommodate the complex global demands and trends for leaders who can motivate, empower, articulate and innovate.
Changing markets, flater organizations and new global arrangements have given 21st Century leaders many roles, multiple stakeholders, and an increasingly fragmented job where they continually face trade-offs in time, energy and focus. Common challenges of 21st Century leaders include:
- Matching leadership style to a fast-moving, complex, technology-enabled business
- Holding multiple perspectives without being overloaded and overwhelmed
- Articulating a compelling vision
- Working with others in virtual teams, often in other countries
- Guiding diverse groups of people to deliver a common business goal
- Managing costs today while building for tomorrow
Most leaders recognize the challenges but do not know how to respond because they do not see a way to think differently about their role. Traditional leadership attitudes may be locking them in an outdated meaning of leadership where their actions are not effective in dealing with 21st Century complexity.
At LeaderBoom, we recognize that building a community where global leaders have an opportunity to share wisdom and learn from each other, will be critical to the future success of both corporations and individuals.
As such, we invite you to continue to browse our website and interact with us on social media forums. We believe that a collective and continuous learning experience is a powerful opportunity to expand human growth and potential across borders and all generations.
If you have a global organization, or work in one, chances are you’re feeling pressure to balance the demands from your market and employees that simultaneously span a multitude of cultures and generations in a way that is in line with executing company goals.
At LeaderBoom, we recognize this can only be achieved through effective management of the business that involves improved understanding of learning, values and the communication styles of different cultures and generations.
According to best selling author, Dan Schawbel, the Millennial Generation will make up more than 75 percent of the workforce by 2025.
This compelling statistic suggests a need for specialized development programs, to include training, mentoring, coaching and transference of knowledge on effective leadership strategies.
Is your organization prepared to face this challenge?
At LeaderBoom, we address these demands by collaborating with world class thought leaders, experienced global executives, higher institutions and by offering customized leadership development programs designed to accelerate individual, team and organizational performance.
LeaderBoom's diverse delivery methods and approaches engage participants in the open and collaborative discussions required to enrich their learning experience and stimulate real behavior change that ultimately leads to the success of the business and the individuals.
LeaderBoom has developed ground breaking programs with input from our global advisory team. The diverse learning methodologies allow participants to directly experience and adjust to diverse communication patterns, recognize common intercultural and intergenerational barriers to creating high performing teams, accelerate self-awareness and improve agility in dealing with change.
The following is a comprehensive list of LeaderBoom Services
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